Thursday, 25 October 2012


Kimberley our caretaker is always looking for great ideas for the garden and we thought this was a really cool idea.  We reused humongous bamboo stalks to plant a horizontal garden on our fence. (Well we've done the vertical bottle garden why not try horizontal ?!)

Everybody wanted to help. . .  Gill had the giant bamboo plants, Mr T  and Room 3 children took no time at all to chop them down and Mr Obren got to use his new 'Renovator' to cut the holes in the bamboo!

That left Room 1 & 3 children to hang them up and plant them out. We planted lettuce, parsley and lots of flowers like lobelia, pansies and asylum to brighten up our fence.  The plants are just beginning to settle in and we can't wait until they grow and cascade down our fence.

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